Friday, March 21, 2014

Life lately

I've been out of the swing of things lately when it comes to blogging. And though I've got a bunch of things drafted and in the works, I haven't quite found the energy, motivation, or interest to finish them. I'm thinking I need a nice, easy softball to get my writing muscles warmed up again. So batter up...

Things I've been doing instead of blogging:

  • Watching House of Cards- Needed something to fill the void while we wait for season 2 of Orange is the New Black. Loving this series more than I thought I would. But Frank's wife is the worst, right? (We're only about halfway through the first season, so don't spoil anything...) 
  • Shopping for bridesmaid dresses- my best friend is getting married! In a month!! Whoo hoo!!!
  • Gossiping about the Bachelor- I have too many thoughts to even put it into words. Polarizing, this guy. (Except pretty much everyone is standing on one pole in agreement. Even his mom). 
  • Eating in our new dining room- I can't wait to share it with you! Well....I can wait I guess, because I have waited at least a month already, but for real, it looks so good I can't wait to share. 
  • Growing my hair out- keeps me busy. 
  • Forgetting to pick up books at the library- better than forgetting to return books to the library. 
  • Complaining about how cold it is- #polarvortex #snowpocalypse overit
  • (Barely) surviving the stomach flu- loose calculations predict we'll only have to endure that 20 more times before we actually die. Bright side!
  • Playing candy crush- crushin' it!!!
Oh- and then there's the working, and the baby raising....there's a LOT of that going on. But we're just talking free time here. And if you don't count the time spent with those animals we call children, or cleaning up after those animals, prep/commuting time (pancake making, lunch packing, sock finding) or sleeping hours (which should maybe be counted in minutes anyway), there's not a whole lot of time left on the clock for voluntary pursuits. But we're still managing to pack things in. Even if it's mundane stuff. Our life is full, in the silliest, busiest, best sort of ways. 

So what about you? What have you been doing instead of reading my blog? (Ha!)


  1. I have never seen House Of Cards, but it is on my list of shows "to watch!" Can't wait to see what all you have in the blog hopper!

  2. I barely have time for tv lately (it seems). the only thing I've been watching regularly is Jimmy and Amazing Race. As for what I've been up to.... feeding people and essentials it seems. NOT decluttering or getting 40 bags of crap out my door (I wish)
